food energetics for dogs: what to know

food energetics for dogs: what to know

At Momentum Carnivore Nutrition, we’ve studied pet health for years. We researched alternative medicinal practices and holistic pet care, including how certain proteins have specific energies that can benefit your pet.

Traditional Chinese medicine taught us that an animal’s energy balance could be achieved through different raw proteins. Each protein has natural energies that can improve the overall health of pets struggling with common health concerns like inflammation, lethargy, and allergies.

Protein Energies for Dogs

The first thing pet owners should know about food energetics is that there are three main protein energies – warm, cold, and neutral.

Traditional Chinese medicine encourages pet owners to bridge the energy gap between their animals and certain food ingredients. Animal proteins or plant-based items can help create a balanced state of health for furry family members when selected with intention. 

Figuring out which proteins to feed your pet can be a daunting task - but with the right knowledge, it doesn't have to be! Understanding food energetics for dogs will help you determine which diet is best suited for them.

What’s the Difference Between Warm, Cold, and Neutral Proteins? 

Different proteins have different effects on your pet’s body. Read below for a full overview on warm, cold, and neutral proteins for pets.

Warm Proteins

Warm proteins increase the temperature in your pet’s body. Chicken is a common warm protein that cats and dogs enjoy.

Overall, warm proteins are higher in calories and sodium. Warm proteins are specifically beneficial in the colder months when pets’ joints are cold and are often affected by temperature, similar to us as humans. 

These proteins are best for pets with cold ears, noses, and bodies. Often, pets that would benefit from warming proteins snuggle close to you or in a blanket and are more sluggish in the winter. 

Momentum Warm Protein Pet Treats: 

Cold Proteins

Cold proteins help to decrease the temperature of your pet’s body. Duck and minnows are common cold proteins.

These proteins tend to have fewer calories and are higher in potassium. Animals that are warm, panting, or suffering from arthritis will typically search for cold proteins in the wild. 

If you notice that your pet has red eyes or red skin in addition to the other symptoms mentioned, consider a cold protein diet.  

Momentum Cold Protein Pet Treats: 

Neutral Proteins

Neutral proteins balance both warm and cold. These neutral proteins have little impact on the body profile, helping to keep your pet’s body regulated but healthy. 

You’ll notice that many traditional pet brands mix warm, cold, and neutral proteins together in one package, making it difficult for you to feed and treat your pet properly. 

It’s important that you don’t feed your pet too much of one or the other protein types, making it beneficial to implement neutral proteins into your pet’s diet.  

Momentum Neutral Protein Pet Treats: 

Popular Pet Food Products for Energy Balancing

Momentum Carnivore Nutrition warm, cold, and neutral proteins

We use 100% natural protein ingredients in all of our Momentum Carnivore Nutrition treats, meal bars, and food toppers for dogs and cats. All of our protein ingredients are humanely raised and sourced in the United States and Canada. Below are our products with warm, cold, and neutral proteins for a healthy and balanced diet for your pets. 

Good nutrition and happy, healthy pets are worth celebrating every single day. We can’t wait for your dog or cat to try Momentum Carnivore Nutrition for themselves.

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